Camila y su muñeca

Why play with rag dolls?

To launch the Blog I am going to talk to you about my personal motivation of why I make rag dolls. The benefits they provide are countless, but in order not to make the article so long, I will share those who are most relevant to me.

Starting with the importance of being made of fabric and zero plastic. Being ECO FRIENDLY and respectful to planet Earth, our home. They are healthy toys, as I usually call all kinds that are not made of plastic. A way to make our little ones aware of the responsibility that we all have: to take care of our planet by stopping plastic consumption.

Dolls are a perfect toy to enjoy symbolic play during childhood.  It is said that, "children repeat what is seen and said at home" and that's a perfect example of what I mean. They adopt adult behaviours when taking care of their dolls, feeding them, cleaning them, taking them to the park to play, etc. That's a subject that I consider important that translates in: through playing with dolls, both our girls and boys assume caring roles likewise.

It is necessary to transmit respect for maternity and paternity from the earliest years: the importance of respectful upbringing and equal roles in the household. It is essential to promote respect for motherhood, but also to strengthen a paternity model that is involved in parenting from the very beginning. Let us not forget that men should play as active and involved a role as women in raising their children.

Toys have no gender. All toys are suitable for everyone. It is the boy or girl who must decide what their ideal toy is, not society, and even so, the belief that dolls are for girls is still present, but it is an obsolete way of thinking.

I believe it is necessary to fight towards breaking the established prejudice that only girls play with dolls, because if we continue to reinforce that stereotype, when this generation grows up, many will continue to believe that only women take care of babies. Although we have come a long way in recent years in this regard, there is still much to learn. That's why, it is essential to promote these values ​​from a very young age, and for this, the game with rag dolls is a useful tool.

Dolls are a reflection of the society we live in, so we believe that it is important to go for alternatives that transmit ethical and respectful values that promote a respectful conception of maternity, paternity and rasing children for girls, but above all, for boys.

Thanks to the great variety of rag dolls that deviate from the canons set by society, transmitting these values ​​through playing with them is becoming easier, since there are plenty of options and alternatives. In addition to how soft and cuddly they are, they last over time and can be passed from generation to generation. To makes thing short, dolls are ideal symbolic playmates for all ages, they show a more respectful vision of femininity and motherhood and transmit values ​​such as respect, responsibility and care for others. Imagination and creativity develop while playing with them as well as it strengthens self-esteem. And, from a personal point of view, it is so gratifying to see those happy faces when they receive a unique doll made with love and a lot of care.

I could be endlessly listing the benefits of playing with rag dolls... and I'm sure you have some too.

Now, I want you to tell me what you think by leaving me a comment. I'll be delighted to read you!

I hope you liked this first article.

Until the next post!

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